Engels & Spaans

Wings for Change € 22,95
Wings for Change

This book is about organisational development seen from a systemic perspective. It is about systemic principles. How do they work in organisations? And how do people in those organisations experience them? This book attempts to answer this and many more questions on working with the systemic phenomenological perspective in organisations and society at large. From the same perspective, this book discusses a large amount of issues such as fraud, success, downturn and succession. This book includes many examples of organisations and themes, including constellations in South America, Europe, Russia and the US. Together, they make this book to be a Lonely Planet in the world of working in the systemic- phenomenological way. Jan Jacob Stam, founder of the Hellinger Institute in The Netherlands, and a very welcome teacher and lecturer in more than twenty countries, has been a leader and researcher in the field of systemic work for over 15 years. This book gives you a look into Jan Jacob’s experiences and insights. And as always, he has moved on and continues to develop and search for new insights. There are so many interesting questions still unanswered. This book reads like a dream on a cold winters’ nights where no one sleeps and Jan Jacob keeps you awake as he makes you part of this special world.

The fountain, find your place € 29,95
The fountain, find your place

Using the fountain as metaphor for the family system, you learn what your own, unique place is. Once in your place, you receive the flow essential to how your life progresses.Do you repeatedly encounter the same problems in everyday life, and do you want to shake off a feeling that you just can’t put your finger on? Do you frequently feel guilty, and are you a people-pleaser? Are you stuck in an unhealthy relationship, or is contact with your parents difficult? How can you learn to deal with this so you can experience more peace in your life? Stubborn patterns in your life can often be traced back to your family system, the inextricable connection you have with your family members. Just like in nature, this system has invisible laws that you’re often unaware of but that significantly influence your life. This handbook—full of practical tips and straightforward theories—explains how you can make systemic laws work for you so that you can live your life to the fullest. Using the fountain as a metaphor for the family system, you’ll learn about your own, unique place. In that place, you receive the flow that’s essential to how your life turns out. Many people unconsciously stand in the wrong place, resulting in problems in all kinds of areas. This book provides insight into the workings of the fountain and gives you more control over your life. Find your rightful place using The Fountain and live your life better than ever before. Els van Steijn (1969) is the author of the bestseller, The Fountain, find your place, a coach, and a family and organizational constellation facilitator. The Fountain is an eye-opener for her clients and the missing puzzle piece they need to effectively take the next step. Through her coaching practice, workshops, and social media channels, she carries out her mission: to enable future generations to be systemically “cleaner” and less burdened. “When you travel, you take your own patterns with you. I, too, still have a lot of work to do on myself. During my last trip, I read The Fountain. I was intrigued by the theory. The insights help you keep growing as a human being.” Floortje Dessing

Systemic coaching € 28,95
Systemic coaching

Coaching is not reserved for those who have ‘coach’ on their business cards. We all coach in some way or another.Coaching is not reserved for those who have ‘coach’ on their business cards. We all coach in some way or another. Although they may call it differently, parents, teachers, entrepreneurs, managers, therapists and consultants, they all coach often. In Systemic coaching you learn how to apply your knowledge and skills from constellations in one-to-one situations. In every system people are a part of, there are patterns and trauma’s. Some are obstructive. Systemic coaching can give you knowledge, impulse and structure to deal with these blockages. Amongst other things, this book consists of a list of more than 40 commonly found symptoms in systems: what for instance is the cause and effect of abortion, a glass ceiling or fraud in a system? And what are suitable interventions?

Systemic consulting € 24,95
Systemic consulting

This is a practical book. A book for consultants, coaches, managers and anyone who wants to understand, improve or change the functioning of a company, department or team.Consultants are usually invited to work in an organisation when its own managers are unable to find solutions to business problems. Then expert help is brought in – on a temporary basis. Systemic consulting is uniquely different from any other consulting approach in that it is not the consultant who is the expert, but the organisation itself. The authors regard org

Systemic leadership € 28,95
Systemic leadership

Leadership needs systemic awareness. That starts by knowing that systems lead. Not the leader.Systems Lead. They lead the whole and they lead the individual. This applies to leaders too. And this makes leadership about leading and following, about knowing and acknowledging, about going with the flow ánd about swimming against the current. Because sometimes you need to swim against the current of life to find a meaningful source there, before allowing yourself to flow with the force of the organisational system. This book will tell you what a system demands of leadership. How organisations can flourish and flow from a systemic perspective. Authors Jan Jacob Stam (1954) and Barbara Hoogenboom (1972) are seen as authorities in this area worldwide. Much of what we know today about organisations on a systemic level, was discovered and given form and language by the Bert Hellinger Institute the Netherlands. Stam and Hoogenboom are founder and owners of this leading institute.

Fields of Connection € 22,95
Fields of Connection

This special book is designed to offer a short guided tour through the worlds of work and organisations, from a 'systemic' point of view. Where would I best fit in this organisation? How come I always seem to end up feeling responsible for something that has nothing to do with me? How are we going to get this change process back on the rails? What job description would best describe the new manager’s function? What position would be best for me, as a consultant, to take up in a company? How is the market going to react to this new product? These are just a few examples taken from the thousands of questions about work and organisations that were brought by participants to organisation constellations. The systemic-phenomenological approach provides often surprising and un-expected insights into work, careers and organisations. This book is a collection of many of these insights, together with real-life examples, personal experiences and a theoretical framework for it all, that has developed out of five year’s of working with the systemic approach to questions about work and organisations. The book reads as a selection of articles. Light, always in touch with reality, and with many moments of recognition for the reader it will be stimulating and inspiring for anyone who works in or with organisations.

The fountain, make wise choices € 29,95
The fountain, make wise choices

Using the fountain as metaphor for the family system, you learn what your own, unique place is. Once in your place, you receive the flow essential to how your life progresses.Some people are somehow able to get the almost impossible done. But what do you have an influence on, and what do you not have an influence on? The trick is to make that distinction. When you're better able to recognize the force fields in which you find yourself, when you learn to observe without judgment and surrender to "what is," you can make wise choices that allow you to do well. "The fountain" metaphor helps you firmly take your rightful place (in life) and grant others theirs. In this book, you'II learn how The Fountain works through your life and can be applied to many themes, such as your relationships, your health, your work, and society. Being in your rightful place helps you be significantly less ego-driven and more able to act from who you essentially are so that "that which wants to reveal itself through you" can do just that. By expanding your consciousness and insights into the (invisible) laws that run through your life, you become aware of the systemic fields of which you are a part. In turn, this awareness enables you to make wise choices so that you can use your energy wisely. The Fountain, make wise choices will be recognizable and comforting because it will give you the insights and tools you need to look at your issues. To release what you need to release. And to take action where appropriate. You decide for yourself what is wise. Make your choices with help from The Fountain and ensure a high quality of life in the present and future. "The fountain, make wise choices" is the sequel of the bestselling "The fountain, find your place". Els van Steijn (1969) is the author of the bestseller The Fountain, find your place (2016), a coach, and a family and organizational constellation facilitator. Through her coaching practice, workshops, and social media channels, she carries out her mission: to enable future generations to be systemically “cleaner” and less burdened. For more information: www.elsvansteijn.com.

Consultoria Sistemica € 22,95
Consultoria Sistemica

Este es un libro práctico. Un libro para consultores y todos aquellos que deseen cambiar, mejorar o entender algo acerca de cómo el trabajo de su equipo está funcionando. La propuesta es ridículamente fácil: alejarse (zoom out) en lugar de analizar los detalles; considerar el punto de partida (el origen) para poder ver la meta final; enfrentar los saldos pendientes con el fin de mejorar la rotación de personal; descubrir todos los círculos sin fin de los patrones recurrentes para tomar otra ruta; entender que los problemas son soluciones para otras cosas. No significa que siempre sea fácil intervenir sistémicamente hablando. Sí tienes qué hacer algo: tener las agallas para no sólo mirar desde una perspectiva diferente, sino también para actuar desde ahí. En este sentido no te puedes quedar al margen, cruzado de brazos cuando trabajas de esta manera. Pero serán tus recompensas los cambios, ya sean muy pequeños o muy grandes. Para todos aquellos, quienes desde su propio lugar, les gusta contribuir a la vitalidad de las organizaciones.

Coaching sistémico € 25,95
Coaching sistémico

El Coaching no está reservado para aquellos que tienen la palabra “Coach” en sus tarjetas de visita. Todos de alguna forma u otra hacemos coaching. Sin embargo los llamamos de forma diferente: padres, maestros, empresarios, directivos, terapeutas, consultores. En el libro Coaching Sistémico aprendemos a aplicar a las situaciones uno-a-uno los conocimientos y destrezas de las constelaciones. En cualquier sistema humano hay patrones y traumas. Algunos obstruyen. Este libro puede darte conocimiento, impulso y estructura para manejarte con estos bloqueos. Entre otras cosas, este libro consiste en una lista de más de 40 síntomas encontrados regularmente en los sistemas, por ejemplo, ¿Cuáles son las causas y efectos de un aborto, de un techo de cristal o de un fraude en un sistema? ¿Y cuáles pueden ser intervenciones posibles?

Alas para un cambio € 22,95
Alas para un cambio

Alas para un cambio es una lectura obligada para coaches y directores de empresa para encontrar alternativas y cambios de perspectiva a los problemas cotidianos de una organización. A través de la mirada y el trabajo sistémico que brillantemente expone Jan Jacob Stam podemos acceder a nuevas respuestas y a encontrar sentido a dinámicas invisibles que parece escapan a nuestro saber académico a la hora de gestionar organizaciones.Este libro gira alrededor del desarrollo de las organizaciones desde una perspectiva sistémica. Habla de los principios sistémicos. ¿Cómo influyen en las organizaciones? ¿Cómo viven las personas los principios sistémicos en las organizaciones? Este libro busca responder a muchas más preguntas de cómo trabajar con la perspectiva fenomenológica sistémica en organizaciones y en la sociedad en general. Desde la misma perspectiva, este libro incluye una serie de asuntos como fraude, éxito, decrecimiento y sucesión. Incluye ejemplos de constelaciones y asuntos de onstelaciones realizadas en América del Sur, Europa, Rusia y Estados Unidos. Todo junto hace de este libro un Lonely Planet del mundo del trabajo con la mirada fenomenológica sistémica. Jan Jacob Stam, fundador del Instituto Bert Hellinger en losPaíses Bajos, y un reconocido maestro y conferencista en más de 20 países, ha sido un líder y un investigador por más de 15 años en el campo del trabajo sistémico. Este libro es como un sueño de noches de invierno cuando no podemos dormir y Jan Jacob te mantiene despierto haciéndote participe de este mundo especial.

Liderazgo Sistémico € 26,95
Liderazgo Sistémico

Los sistemas lideran. Lideran al conjunto y lideran al individuo. Esto aplica también a los líderes. Y hace que el liderazgo trate sobre liderar y sobre dejarse liderar, sobre conocer y sobre reconocer, sobre fluir con la corriente y sobre nadar contra ella. Porque, a veces, necesitas nadar contra la corriente de la vida para encontrar una fuente que le de sentido, antes de permitirte fluir con la fuerza del sistema organizacional. Este libro te dirá lo que un sistema exige del liderazgo. Cómo las organizaciones pueden florecer y fluir desde una perspectiva sistémica.

Systemic Leadership Fan € 24,95
Systemic Leadership Fan

Wave against the current by asking the right questions.Wave against the current by asking the right questions. Barbara Hoogenboom, Jan Jacob Stam en Bibi Schreuder have combined their knowledge and translated it into questions that you can ask per theme. 224 questions spread over 45 themes. Every question has the potential to help you a step further.